Frequently Asked Questions

Find Answers To All Your Questions

I am a Shapeways Designer, How do your services compare?

Like Shapeways, we offer a marketplace and the printing and fulfillment services to support it. However, our capabilities are currently not as diverse as Shapeways'. At present, we offer SLA and FDM printing on our select SLA, MSLA, and FDM printers.

We plan to expand and grow our capacity and capabilities as we progress. Please contact us with your specific needs, and we will explore how we can grow to meet them.

How Do I List A Product?

Please follow the guide below.

We have just launced our new vendor platform, we reccomend uploading all files in an ZIP file.

Do NOT add any inventory! Since we print on demand it will cause issues! Thank you! 

I have a large number of models I would like to move to your site, How can I do that?

We can offer a bulk cloud drive upload for files as well as CSV import for product listings. 

Follow this guild to bulk upload products:

Please contact us at for other questions.

How much do I make from each sale?

We veiw our marketplace as a partnership between us and our vendors. When you upload a model to our site we set the wholesale price (your vendor cost), you then set the retail price. When your model sells, the difference is added to your account balance to be payed out to you.

My models dont fit into your current categories.

That is not a problem, we can add new categories as needed.

I sell models that are not trains, can I sell on your platform?

Short answer, yes.

We are able to print most 3d models on our resin printers. While our main focus is model trains that also includes sceanic items and other miniatures that would be of interest to modelers. We are currently allowing other products on our marketplace as many designers had a wide variety of products and interests. In time we will watch how these non-train categories grow and determine the best steps forward.

If you are unsure if your mode is a fit, please contact us at

How are vendors paid?

Effective February 10th:

Vendors on the old Portal should be automaticly on all payable orders*. If the payout fails it will follow the schedule for the new portal.**

Vendors on the new portal will be paid out the first and 3rd friday of the month on all payable orders*.

If you have any questions, reach out to


*Orders are payable 14 days after a customer recieves their product.

**This is due to an issue with how paypal handles automatic payments and not in our control to change.

What are your production capabilities?

We offer SLA/MSLA  and FDM 3d printing along with Laser decal printing.

Our print farm includes the following printer types:

Fomlabs Form 3

Formlabs Form 3L

Elegoo Jupiter

Elegoo Saturn 4


We currently run the following resins:

Most Formlabs resins

Elegoo ABS-Like


If your project requires a different material please contact us as we may be able to add it to our line up.

Who Owns the Files?

You retain 100% ownership of your files. You created the files and will always retain intilecual property of them. We will not sell or retain your files. 

Design recommendations

Many of our new designers have asked us for design guidelines. As such we are going to present here what one of our printer manufacturers reccomends. We are more than happy to work with you on developing or transferring an existing design. Please contact us if you would like us to review your design at


Minimum Supported Wall Thickness

A supported wall is one that is connected to other walls on at least two sides. Walls with a thickness less than 0.2 mm are prone to warping during the peel process. Test walls measured 25 mm x 25 mm.

Recommendation: 0.2 mm


Minimum Unsupported Wall Thickness

An unsupported wall is one that is connected to other walls on fewer than two sides. Walls with a thickness less than 0.2 mm may warp or detach from the model during printing. Test walls measured 25 mm x 25 mm.

Recommendation: 0.2 mm


Minimum Vertical Wire Diameter

A wire is a feature with a length that is more than twice its width. The length-to-width ratio is critical for printing wires. At 0.2 mm thickness, wires can be printed up to 7 mm tall before they start to exhibit waving. Wires with a thickness of 1.5 mm can reach up to 30 mm in height without defects.


  • 0.2 mm (up to 7 mm tall)
  • 1.5 mm (up to 30 mm tall)


Minimum Embossed Detail

Embossed details are shallow, raised features on your model, such as text. Features smaller than 0.1 mm in thickness and height may not be visible in the final print.

Recommendation: 0.1 mm


Minimum Engraved Detail

Engraved details are recessed features on your model. Details with a recess less than 0.15 mm in thickness and height may not be visible, as they may blend with the rest of the model during printing.

Recommendation: 0.15 mm


Minimum Clearance

Clearance is the required distance between two moving parts of a model (e.g., gears or joints). A clearance of less than 0.5 mm can cause parts to fuse together.

Recommendation: 0.5 mm


Minimum Hole Diameter

Holes with a diameter less than 0.5 mm in the x, y, and z axes may close off during the printing process.

Recommendation: 0.5 mm


Minimum Drain Hole Diameter

Drain holes are necessary for resin to escape from models with fully enclosed cavities (like hollow spheres or cylinders printed directly on the build platform). Without drain holes of at least 2.5 mm in diameter, trapped resin may cause the print to fail or explode.

Recommendation: 2.5 mm diameter

Do we have a Rewards program?

Sign Up by clicking the "reward" button on the bottom right corner of the website. 

Once you sign up you can earn cash back on purchases. You can also earn cash back by refering people with a code. For more informtion click the link below.

I have similar models, how do I list them?

Use the below walk through to help create product variables, this can be scale, version, ect.



Product Collection Tags

This FAQ is a work in progress as we transition from Manual Collections to Automatic collections. As the collection is changed to a automatic collection its criteria will be listed below:

To have your products placed in specific collections or categories within our site navigation you can do so easily be adding the associated tags to your product listing. While many of them are their name, we wanted to provide a detailed heiarchy so that you know what categories are available and where tehy land. Below is a list of all the current collections and their associated keywords:

Flexable Categories:

  • Decals > Decal, Decals
  • Detail Parts > Detail Part
  • Diesel > Diesel
  • Electric > Electric
  • Load > Load
  • Steam > Steam

Flexable Categories require the parent category to also be set to display the products in the respective area. For example: Aircraft Detail Parts require that both the tags for Aircraft and Detail parts be assigned to the product.

Heiarcial Categories

  • Aircraft > Aircraft
    • Airships and balloons > Airship, Balloon
    • Detail Parts > Detail Parts + Aircraft
  • Animals > Animals, Livestock
  • Buildings & Structures > Building, Structure
    • Furniture > Furniture
  • Scenery > Scenery
  • Trains > Train
    • Decals > Decal, Decals + Train
    • Detail Parts > Detail Parts + Train
    • Locomotives > Locomotive
      • Diesel > Locomotive + Diesel
      • Electric > Locomotive + Electric
      • Steam > Locomotive + Steam
      • Detail Parts > Detail Parts + Locomotive
    • Rolling Stock > Rolling Stock
      • Cabeese > Caboose
      • Box Cars > Box Car
      • Flat Cars > Flat Car
      • Gondolas > Gondola
      • Hopper Cars > Hopper Car
      • Non Revenue (MOW) > Non Revenue, MOW
        • Water Car > Water Car
      • Passenger Equipment > Passenger Equipment
      • Refrigerator Cars > Refrigerator Car
      • Stock Cars > Stock Car
      • Tank Cars > Tank Car
      • Trucks > Trucks**
      • Detail Parts > Detail Parts + Rolling Stock
  • Vehicles > Vehicle
    • Automobiles > Automobile
    • Motorcycles > Motorcycle
    • Trucks > Truck**
    • Detail Parts > Detail Parts + Vehicles
  • Watercraft
    • Boats > Boat*
    • Ships > Ship*
  • Gaming > Game


  • Military > Military
  • Mining and Industrial > Mining, Industrial

*Growing, not yet visible

**These two are similar, be sure to assign the correct tag!

I am interested in getting started, Where do I begin?

Use this link to create a vendor account:

Please use your legal First and Last name when registering, If your buisness has an EIN you can use your buisness name as your first name.  This is for legal and financial purposes. 


Vendor Seller Account:

Payment Details:


We greatly appreciate your patience as we work through this explosive growth and work through the related growing pains.

How do I add a Product?

Use this link to walk through the process:

This is how to create the SKU for your products: 





Vendor Code- 3-4 characters.


This is the part number. Unique to your products.


This is the scale of your model


This is part number (p1, p2, p3, etc) and quantity (x1, x2, x3, etc). Only use this if your kit consists of multiple 3d printed parts.

Year-Day-Month-                       V1-

This is optional if you want to add to the end. Just use the year, day, month coding or you can do version 1 (V1) again optional.

Sample File Name

ABC-AB01-HO-P1x1-22-30-01                                  ABC-AB01-HO-P1x1-V1


Multi-Part Models

I have models that are one or more parts, How do you handle them?

Unlike other companies that treat each part as a seperate product, we do not. We have no issue printing multi-part models. We do not require them to be on a single sprue to be considered one model, truthfully they tend to print better as free-standing parts.

Just be sure to name the files as directed in "How do I add a Product" with each part having its own part number and qty in the name. To upload them to the site just put them in a zip file and upload them as described in Getting Started > add a product.

Multi-Option Models

Our software allows up to 3 option types with a large number of options each to fully customize your product or offer modular kits. We will be adding additional instructions on how to add these soon. Please contact us if you have questions on how to do this in the meantime.


Thank you for considering our products! We recognize the importance of both price and quality in your decision-making process. We're thrilled to introduce you to our innovative 3D printing products and explain why our prices may differ from other companies.


Firstly, our premium products are proudly American-made! We manufacture them in Tennessee using resins manufactured in the United States. This eliminates international supply line issues, ensuring a more efficient and reliable delivery process.


A significant factor contributing to our product pricing is the premium resins we use in our manufacturing process. We have chosen resins that are formulated to be environmentally friendly, minimizing the negative impact on the environment, with a composition no harsher than normal household chemicals. In terms of quality, this resin delivers exceptional results—providing a smooth, matte finish that enhances aesthetic appeal and showcases intricate details without the need for primer.


Because we have prioritized safety from day one, our manufacturing process requires no specialized exhaust systems or post-production precautions, ensuring a safer working environment for our employees. This extends to our customers as no additional precautions are needed when handling, modifying or finishing our products.


While our prices may be higher, our dedication to environmental sustainability, superior quality, and safer manufacturing practices makes our 3D printed products a valuable investment. We're committed to delivering an outstanding experience and products that exceed your expectations.

Production Times

Our products are manufactured on a made-to-order basis, with the majority of orders requiring 7-14 business days for production and shipping.

Certain large models necessitate a lead time of 4-6 weeks, owing to their considerable size and the extended printing period essential for their creation.

Although infrequent, instances of prolonged production timelines may occur due to heightened demand or unforeseen delays.

Finishing models

When you receive your items you may notice some small post-production markings on the products.

These are unavoidable in the production of the models. A small amount of work could be necessary to prepare the model for finishing.

  1. Once you get your model, locate any lingering supports/sprues, and remove them. This can be easily removed using a set of snips or break them using another tool.
  2. Using a sanding stick file any raised areas from the sprues.
  3. Next clean the items with Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) 90% or higher. You can spray or dunk the item in the IPA If there are difficult spots you can use a soft toothbrush and rinse with more IPA. Once the model is clean allow the item to fully dry. be careful not to soak them for more than a few minutes as the IPA can affect the printed model.
  4. If your model requires additional detail parts, please add them at this time. Any CA glue will work, but my favorate is Mitreapel Ca Glue with Activator. IPA will dissolve this type of glue. (Not all models require this step)
  5. Once your model is complete you can paint and decal as you desire. I would highly suggest using an airbrush.

Our Guarantee

We strive to produce merchandise of the highest quality. 3D printing is a relatively new manufacturing process and we are exploring the limits and boundaries of this technology. We aim to provide our customers with consistent quality; unfortunately, when exploring new technologies, there are times when this might not be the case. Due to the hands-on nature of the production and post-production; issues may arise. Please feel free to contact us with any issues or concerns.  We appreciate your continued patience when issues do occur going forward.